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Return of the Pilgrims Poem

Please enjoy Betsey Beckman's Reflections on the Pilgrim Journey. Her poem, El Regreso de los Peregrinos (Return of the Pilgrims) can be viewed here.

Shrines of Spain Pilgrimage

The Bellarmine Ministry team made an inaugural pilgrimage, June 12-23, 2023.  The pilgrims visited the sacred places that helped transform St. Ignatius: 

  • Pamplona, where he had his infamous cannonball moment 
  • Loyola, at his room where his conversion began
  • Montserrat, where he surrendered his sword to Our Lady
  • Manresa and the cave he first retreated to and penned the Spiritual Exercises
  • Many holy sites starting in Madrid, continuing on to Avila, Xavier, Burgos, Salamanca, and ending in beautiful Barcelona 

The pilgrims were accompanied by Bellarmine’s own Erin Maiorca, Fr. Michael Sparough SJ, Betsey Beckman, and an English-speaking local Catholic guide. The team offered many prayer experiences and liturgy was available daily. The team shared their knowledge of Ignatian spirituality, and Betsy shared her ministry of movement through embodied prayer and liturgical dance. 

This pilgrimage was part history lesson, part prayer and reflection time, and part fun vacation.  It was a once in a lifetime trip that brought the pilgrims closer to God and filled their hearts with joy and light!

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